Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ordering a diet coke-Dad

BYU game begins in a little over 10 hours. Who are you rooting for? (I guess that question is only for Brit) or maybe Scott. I think the best team will win, and unless there is an upset, then the worst team might win. In any case, one of the teams usually win. I haven't seen any odds on the game here in China. It doesn't seem to be such a hot topic here. I don't think the game will be on local television here, however I could get up at 3:00 A. M. to see if it is available. Today is a holiday, as is Sunday and Monday. It is the Mid Fall Festival. They all eat "moon cakes" Some are great, some not so great. We were given three boxes of them by the school officials. Today, I walked to Home Depot. About a mile walk each way. I needed some PVC pipe and some fittings to make a make shift telephone receifver. (things are a little different here in China) As I was trying to negotiate my way across the street, (5 lanes each direction, without a cross walk)" I was meandering through traffic. Here comes some guy on his bike flat out moving. Well, that's nothing new, everyone on bikes flat out move. But this guy had a white cane he was waving as he zig-zagged through traffic. I got out of his way quick. I wasn't taking any chances. Pretty soon, I hear an ambulance coming, blarring his horn. As bicyclists and cars hear him, they all try to out run him. The ambulance is the last guy in line.
I went into McDonald's to get a diet coke. I try to order. The waiter has no idea. I point to the coke dispenser. She thinks that I want to come behind the counter and pour my own coke. She indicates, no way. I say diet coke, no ice. She looks puzzled. She brings out a bag of uncooked french fries. I say, well, that is probably diet fries, but I want a diet coke. She tells me something in Chinese, I answer in English. She still doesn't understand. I say in English, "whose the ding bat in charge here? Pretty soon she returns with another employee. She points to him and says /Ding. Well I now have Mr. Ding to help me.I say I would like a diet coke, no ice. He motions for me to come behind the counter. The waiter says something to Mr. Ding in Chinese. I think she says "no he can't come behind the counter." They yell at each other back and forth for a couple of minutes. Finially Ding goes into the back. He brings out a picture of everything they sell. He has coke. At least it has a Coke logo. I point to Coke, and I say diet. I point to my stomach, and bulge it out as far as it will go. He looks at me and shakes his head, like he is sorry. He thinks I am really hungry. He points to french fries, a hamburger, a chicken burger and an apple pie. I say no, diet coke with no ice. Everyone in the store is looking at me and my bulged stomach. They look in disbelief. A little boy walked up and patted my stomach. I ask him if he speaks English. He laughs and pulls up his shirt, and trys to bulge his stomach. His mother sees him do it. She is embarrased, and scolds him. I gave him a high five and he left. Well, meanwhile back to Mr. Ding. I say to Ding, I'll take a coke anyway you would like to present it to me. I point to the coke, and hold up one finger to indicate I would like one coke. That Mr. Ding understands, he tells the waiter I would like a coke and she brings it to me.The people behind me are not happy. with me as I walk away, because I have taken so much time with one coke. I walk out in the middle of the street. This time I know how to hail a cab. The only problem is, mother is not with me. I see a cab that is empty. I walk in front of the cab. he trys to swerve, but I swerve also. He has to stop. When he comes to a complete stop. I smile at him. Then I run as fast as I can and get in his cab, before he has a chance to leave me. I say, "Nankai /dah /shur" He shrugs his head and away we go. He aimes his cab, steps on the gas, and the bicyclists scatter. All of this time he is honking his horn. He takes me back to my apartment. Just another day in China. I do believe however, that the horns on the cars are the first things to go when things wear out. I don't believe that the horns are under warranty.. Well, anyway have a good nights rest. And may the best team win. I wonder if God cheers for BYU, or if he performs some great miracles to give those who pay their tithing a little added advantage. If he doesn't, he should. Love, Dad

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

This is way good journaling. Keep it up. Ferrell kids, are you laughing as much as we are? This is so fun. We love all the descriptions. You are so great Pres. Ferrell! Love you!