Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bargaining for Warriors- Dad

Dear Family: I hope you are all doing well. I am told that everything is all right. Everyone in Arizona has said how fun it has been to have Emily and children there. I am so happy that you are having a good time. Last week while on our trip we went to several markets. One of the most exciting places we visited was the Terracota Warriiors. The soldiers had been unearthed and left in the original spot they were found. While there, many street vendors wanted to sell us there goods. One young fellow came up to me and wanted to sell me some miniture Terricota Warriors. They were about three inches tall and there were five warriors to a set. The guy said he would make me a good deal. He said 200 Yuan. ($33.00) I said no, and offered him ten. ($1.60) He reduced his price to 150 yuan. I offered 12. I didn't really want the thing, but I thought 'oh well, it would be nice to give them to the grand children for a gift.' He followed me for another block or so. Finially we agreed on 25 yuan. ($4.00) Here comes another guy selling the same thing. This time I know I can get it for 25 yuan. He says 200. Now I say to my self, I will have a little fun. I offer 5. He comes down a little and follows me for a block. Finially, just to get rid of him, I say I will give you 50 yuan for 4. I know he won't take it. He say's OK. Crud, now I have 5 to cart around. Well I know they can't make them that cheap, so I figure they must be stolen. Here comes another guy with a whole bag full of them. He says 200 yuan. I don't want any more, but now it is a game. I now know that I paid double to much for the first one, and I don't know how much over I paid for the next four. I know that I can get them for 12 1/2 yuan. I tell the guy 5 yuan. He looks at me like I'm nuts. I say, 'look, the last guy gave them to me for 12 yuan.' He says, ok ten. Now, I know the last two guys got me for to much. Now I own 6. So, I think I have got a pretty good deal at ten. I start talking to a man in our group and was bragging about only paying ten yuan for my warriors. I asked him how much he paid. He said, 'you can buy them for 5 all over.' Boy did I get took. I paid $4.00 for a tie, I found out later I could have bought is for one dollar. But, I finially did get a good deal. I bought my McGreggor coat for thirty bucks. I know that was a good deal, because I watched several people argue with him. I saw him turn down 31.00 several times, and he wouldn't take it. The coat in the states sells for about $250.00. Our branch president buys calloway and ping golf clubs for $125.00 per set, including the bag. He has purchased about 8 or ten sets so for and sent them to the states. It costs about one hundred dollars for shipping. Anyone wants a set of clubs sent home to hem, let me know. They are well over $1000.00 dollars in the states. Yesterday as I was getting out of the cab (again) I neary wiped out another bike rider. Just as I opened the door a little, the thought came to me,'you better look, somebody might come thru the cab door. I looked, and here somes some guy flat getting with it. Had I opened my door, the cab driver would have had another passenger, and his bike. I've said before, I can manuver through the speeding cars, but the bicycles have a way of sneeking up on you. A few days ago, I was coming home in a cab,and we got to the guard gate. I pulled out my card and showed him. I don't think he could read, he told the cab driver to turn around and get out of there. I saluted him, he saluted me and I showed him the card again. Again he told me take a hike. Now I know that he doesn't know who I am, but he doesn't think that I am the base General. I shove the card in has face again. He could care less. Well, if I get out of the cab, I have to walk about a mile. I pull out my wallet and offer him 1 1/2 yuan. (24 cents) He insinuates he wants more. At least now I know that he can be bought. I notice a guy behind me in his car waiting to come through the gate. I see him get out of his car and walk up to mine. The way the guard looks at him and gets nervous, I know that he must be someone important. He looks at me and my card, and just yells at the guard, grabs my 1 1/2 yuan from his hand, and pushes the guard backwards. He walks over to me and smiles, hands me my 1 1/2 yuan, opens the gate and I go through. I look at the guard, smile and salute him. He doesn;'t salute me. He turns aroung and walks off. I sure hope that he is not on duty the next time I try to come through the gate. I don't know who the guy was that rescued me, but I think he must have been someone important. (or he thought that I was the base commander) Maybe it was my guardian angel, I don't know. But here in China you sure do need guys like that around.. This afternoon, I taught my adult ed class. The one where I receive $5.33 an hour. During the class period, some lady comes in and says the government needs a copy of my passport. I say,'what for?' She says, 'we need to have a copy of your passport so we can pay you for teaching this class. I say, 'why do you need my passport?' She says, 'we have to have it so we can take the taxes out before we pay you. I ask her how much the taxes are, she says 60 percent. Wow! what a deal. My $5.33 an hour just got reduced to $2.13 an hour. Further I am advised that the Chinese government will notify the United States Governemnt of my earnings, and now I know that they are going to ge me for another 40%. What a deal, my $2.13 per hour, just got further reduced to zero. Subtract my tithing form that (10% of $5.33 =fifthy three cents) so now I am in the hole fifth three cents per hour. Boy, life is good here in China! When I get home, mother wants to go out to dinner. I know the dinner will cost about $4.00. I say, 'not a chance, the more I work, the deeper in the hole I get. . Well, like I said, life is good here in China. I love you all. Have a wonderful day. Dad

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