Sunday, November 9, 2008

New Vehicle--

This has been another adventurous week for us in China. We took the train to a new market, Tongu and Wynn purchased an electric "cycle." He says he did it to save his life from riding with others who are not as cautious as him, but I think he envisions taking the grandkids to Fry's for donuts when he gets it to America. Yes, he does plan to ship it home in July. I love it. Our Monday classes are over a mile away and it is getting cold. It will beat walking and be much faster!! Here are some pictures of the cycle and the market.


AnnaMarie said...

Yeah, that'll be great to have in Arizona! You can ride it to church! I really like it.

I don't really like all that meat just sitting in the open you think a lot of people get sick, or do you think we're just overly cautious here in the U.S?

Anonymous said...


Kimberly said...

What a fun bike! Just imagine you are on a carriage ride Paula! ooh...i don't like the meat either. Your face said it all Paula.

Good job President Ferrell!

Tyler said...

Judging by the expression of the guy at the meat counter I would say he did not enjoy having his picture taken.

Terolleeq said...

Where is your helmet Paula? I understand Winn has a lead foot...