Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dad's tender heart

Dear Family:
Tonight mother and I attended an on campus movie for those learning English. Robinhood. It was a fun movie and the kids loved it. I drove mother to the movie. When the movie was over, we went out to get on our bike and go home. All the kids were walking out of the movie. They watched with amazement. Mother was in the back seat, (behind me) and I was driving. (or steering) They loved seeing me care for her, helping her into the cart, etc. We drove off. Some of the young men were riding their bicycles. They rode along side of us and wanted to be part of the fun. A song came to my mind as I was driving mother home. It was called, "we will have these moments to remember." I think the song came from an old movie. I sang it to mother on the way home. I thought to myself, China is really getting into my blood. The memories that we are creating here will last a life time. We've only been here for 2 1/2 months and I know I am going to have great sadness when we leave this university and our beautiful China. So many kids wanted to visit with us tonight. Some were our students and some were not. We are starting to realize, they are all our kids. This is their first time to be away from their homes. Most have never traveled any other places, even in China. A whole new experience for them also.
They have so little, yet they have so much. They are so happy to be able to get an education. they had to earn their place here at Nankai University. It wasn't easy for them to get it and they value their very existence here. In America, we take so much for granted. When I ask these kids if they plan to ever come to America, they all give the same answer, "that is my dream". Well, I just wanted to share that with you. The whole experience really got to me.

You should all be about ready to get up for the day. Mother and I are getting ready to go to bed. Good night, and good morning. Take special care of my grand children. I love you all. Dad

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