Thursday, August 7, 2008

Training to go to China

This is one of the fastest learning weeks of our life. We attend class from 8am to 9pm with a break for lunch and a break for supper. We have language instruction for 45 minutes, China history from the beginning until now for 2 hours, English language acquisition for 2 hours, how to teach English as a written language for 2 hours, ideas and suggestions that work for 45 minutes, and a different activity every night that teaches us about the "real" Chinese people we will be working with this next year. On Sunday we will have a 2 hour stake conference meeting and then the Chinese ambasador will come to speak to us for about 3 hours. We are so tired, but they tell us next week will be easier. This 2 weeks is certainly making us excited to be in China and get started. Paula will be teaching juniors and seniors--3 oral classes and 3 writing classes. Wynn does not know what he is teaching yet. There are 60 of us and they are very talented people.


Anonymous said...

Dad should teach about beater-honkers, ding-bats, and lame-brains... everyone needs common knowledge on those things! Keep up the good work!

ThePalmers said...

Yay- you should update this A LOT!!! And good job on the post... you are a blog-pro already!!! We miss you!

Kimberly said...

You both look great! How exciting... We have enjoyed watching the Olympics and Beijing looks absolutely beautiful and we've been so impressed with the people. They are amazing. Not sure where you are going, but Beijing seems like a fabulous place to visit.

Mama Teresa said...

The Olympics don't have anything on the whirlwind that is going to hit China when the Wynn and Paula show blows into town! Big Hugs and Best Wishes, Teresa Rogers